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Europe after the pandemic: what is your vision?

The COVID-19 crisis has changed our lives and young people have been particularly impacted. The way we work, study, shop, travel, and think of health, relationships and leisure has been profoundly affected. With lock down measures easing, it’s time to look ahead and think about how the “new normal” will impact all the different areas of young people’s lives - and how it should impact policy making in Europe.

  • What are your ideas for the future of young people in Europe after the pandemic?
  • What can the European Parliament and its Members do to support young people in these times?
  • What is the role of young people in Europe’s recovery?
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What people think

91 comments on Europe after the pandemic: what is your vision?
Konstantinos L  • 21 May 2020

Myself being a Greek, I view that emigration, be it to another EU country or outside the EU, will remain my only option for professional success, as unemployment will rise substantially. I am also concerned about Northern-Southern European tensions, particularly in Italy.

Radostina  • 21 May 2020

I think that the European Union institutions need to find a way to give more voice to the young people. We are really into technologies and people like us who face different challenges with online schooling and entrolments in universities might have amazing ideas on how to make the time during pandemic a little easier. Yes we use face timing to see other people we know that everyone is thinking of a way how to adapt to the situation but right now our group/ the young people are really vulnerable. A lot of people need emotional support and maybe creating an online anonymous line for calls and video chats would really help people who are getting anxiety or depression over the current situation. Also people like me who will have state exams during the pandemic are worried too because there are things that make us nervous, going inside there with that much people is okay, but the stress we experience while answering our questions and having so much people with masks and products for disinfection really makes us stressed and nervous. It would be great if maybe the European Union can communicate with the universities and ask them for lower admission grades exactly in the state exams or at least a little understanding about what we are going through. I know it will be hard as everyone is trying to keep up with the regulations but I think if these ideas come true it will be a lot easier for young people.
Thank you

Ivo  • 21 May 2020

The youth of Europe plays a key role for the continent’s recovery in post-pandemic times. Jobs should be accessible for fresh high school and university graduates, especially in the green sector.
With that said, it is the perfect time for Europe to step up on it’s green economy policies. We need subsidies for zero-carbon low-skill and high-skill jobs so that more young people can go into those fields. Perhaps a carbon tax should be introduced for the big corporations.
Illegal immigration should be dealt with much more effectively, EU members should work together, improving security along the borders of the Union and deploying more troops. This will provide for a better wellbeing of each member’s citizens.
Poorer regions of the EU need more supervision in every aspect - from infrastructure building quality to ensuring the correct usage of European funds and grants. In my opinion this is especially necessary for Bulgaria and Romania.
Young people need opportunities and EU can provide them!

Isbat Hasnat  • 21 May 2020

I think this is a really good opportunity to bring people together. EU institutions have long been looking for opportunities to bring Europeans together with a same mindset and agenda. Be a European citizen, not just the citizen of a nation. Be it employment, education or culture, everywhere there must be a clear reflection of European diversity and togetherness of the European youth. Being an international student myself, I would love to see integration with Europe and other parts of the world as well. If anything this crisis has taught us is that in a global world we can't survive by our own merits.

Francesca  • 21 May 2020

I feel strongly European, but during this crisis my mind about EU Changed.
I live in The Netherlands since 5 years and only now I truly realized (speaking with Dutch friends about the crisis) how many pregiudices towards Italy they have.
There is some work to do to create a more real sense of what the problem of south Europe are (for example is not that Italians are lazy, but more about Corruption, people not paying taxes and so on). So that maybe addressing this problem as EU they might be solved for good.
Also I am a master student and a freelancer professional classical musician, both categories needed more help during this crisis and either in NL or Italy we received it.
Although I considered myself strongly European my fate in EU during this crisis become less, for how little cooperation I saw between the countries especially when the problem was only about Italy and Spain. I did not felt EU was a strong referential point during the crisis. I believe there is hard work to gain that trust back. Imagine for those who were not supporters of EU from the starting point.....
I hope we can be EU together without pregiudices between "frugal countries" and "south europe".
Also in some countries welfare worked fast and efficiently. In Italy for example some families saw the first helps only yesterday. This is something that should be more equal in all Europe if we want to be a nation.

Maki Němečků  • 21 May 2020

Many critics of the EU, even before the crisis, are saying that the EU is undemocratic, and it is, because EU is not a state but international union. We should get rid of EC, ECoM and other executive EU institutions, and make the EP the legislative branch of the EU with government elected by it representing the new executive brach. And both people and politicians alike should start caring for people outside their own country.

Marcell Kelemen  • 21 May 2020

Down with the EU!

Zura  • 21 May 2020

We need way better cooperation and integration.
We have to boost our industries and technologies stop relying on China and USA.

Stephanny Ferreira de Araujo Ulivieri  • 21 May 2020

I believe that the pandemic and its crisis have made clear many of the deficiencies of the European community, specially regarding the immigrant population. I talk out of personal experience, because I am an immigrant in Spain myself.

First of all, it seems sad that only European voices are willing to be heard in nice initiatives such as this one. When identifying myself and inputting my personal data, it only gave me the option to choose a European country. I'll be wrongly labeled as a Spaniard, which I am not. I am a Brazilian national, resident in Spain, who has lived, studied and worked within the EU for almost 8 years now.

Secondly, and in the case of Spain, there has been a huge gap when dealing with the virus regarding nationals and foreigners. In the most specific case of the Community of Madrid, masks are being handed out for free in the pharmacies. But, there is a catch: only if you are in possession of a European Health Card for example, a document that many immigrants living in Spain do not have access to because of the status of their visa (students for example) or the complete lack thereof. Are immigrants also not in danger of getting contaminated and contaminating others? Even in terms of cultural citizenship, are "madrileñ@s" only those born in Madrid? Madrid is an international city and a hub for spaniards from all over Spain alike. I feel outraged that such a discriminatory initiative has been approved by the government. Masks should be handed out to every one, regardless of their country of origin or legal status in the country.

Thirdly, as a precautionary measure, most university classes have been confirmed to be conducted almost entirely online in the following course (2020-2021) but the Spanish Education Ministry has decided against the lowering of taxes. It does not seem fair to any student to continue to pay the same price as if they were going to classes, but even less so for foreigners who pay almost 5 times more than EU students and might find themselves in financial difficulties for finishing their studies.

To conclude, I would like to express my sincere admiration for what the EU has managed to achieve. Nevertheless, with it having been built with idea of collaboration and cooperation, such flaws cannot continue to exist anymore.

Mohona  • 21 May 2020

The pandemic was especially difficult for the senior class citizens, and to build back the country the government must expand opportunities for the youth. Organizing mass volunteering programs for the youth, specially students in return for concessions ,university credits or monthly allowances, would help a lot to boost tourism and other effected fields . We, the young people can be allotted to provide a helping hand and manpower for businesses which are run by elders to help them execute things faster and therefore recover faster.
In this situation we also understood the importance of digitization and therefore the youth can help in many ways due to their advanced knowledge in the field.
God forbid, if there's a second wave of the pandemic, the youth who're not in direct contact with their parents/ grandparents can continue to go to work to protect the country's economy.

Fabiana  • 21 May 2020

In my opinion we need to make it clear that we are all truly one reality and that Europe exists for this.

Institutions must show themselves to young people, on social networks and by organizing various types of webinars, they must make it clear that they are not alone, and will be their points of reference.
But most of all, I believe that in order to guarantee a "right to study", which allows them to train for the world of work, it is necessary to intervene on teaching methods.
The example that I would like to propose is precisely to increase the number of teachers, thus smaller classes would be created and there would be both greater security in terms of social distancing, and in this way, the students being few, would be followed as it must be from the teachers.

Maureen  • 21 May 2020

Many young people have been affected by the covid-19 crisis concerning their studies or their jobs.
People in vocational training have had to stop working and sometimes lost their contract with their employer for those in apprenticeship. Others could not pay their bills as they lost their part-time student jobs. Some have been laid off as they were the last comer in the company, and others are simply struggling to find a job or an internship.

I think one idea could be to include specific measures to help the youth as part of the recovery plan or as part of the future budget 2021-2027. I think tools and policies are already in place but there should be more funds allocated there.

Marcin  • 21 May 2020

First and foremost we have to take care of declining democracy in Hungary and Poland. Both of our countries are facing huge issues with ruling national populist parties and EU ought to guarantee democracy in all member countries.

Please oversee the next presidential elections in Poland in order to prevent forging and protect lgbt community in Hungary.

Pavlen Avramov  • 21 May 2020

I proposw universal basic income across EU, also urgent investigation of internal corruption in the EU, in countries such as Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Poland. Misuse of EU funds is common practice in my home country. I'd like to see drastic changes to the system, since what we have now is not sustainable.

Response to Pavlen Avramov by William Kennedy  • 28 May 2020

Disagree. All serious studies undertaken on UBI have shown it’s not sustainable or even possible, especially not in the short term.

It’s not competitive, and will not help us stand up to economies that don’t share our values. We should work with pride in the freedoms we already have, knowing only a strong economy allows us to spread and maintain these freedoms.

Response to William Kennedy by Louisa V  • 06 July 2020

Could you post any of these studies here? :) Thanks!

Eetu Saarenpää  • 21 May 2020

This pandemic will be followed by an economic crisis. One, that will end up shackling all the member states together with dept, that the youth of today and the next generations will be forced to pay for.
Here's an idea for the EU:

Find a self destruct button and press it.

Set us free.


Ziga  • 21 May 2020

For me the main changes that will occur, would probably be changes in educational systems in EU members. Before coronavirus crisis in most countries public school systems, didn't even think about online classes in such scale. In my opinion a lot of good practices were developed, among few bad ones. Young people of Europe should insist on keeping and developing this practises in future. Especially in the high schools and universities, a lot of online work was done and a lot of things were shown to work equally good or better. But there is still room for improvements.
Countries in EU should together work in improving and updating existing courses in such way, that they will keep what is good and try to improve what was in a hurry done wrong but could still work with improvements.
A lot of curriculums for subjects are outdated and were during corona crisis shown as not compliant to modern days. All ministers responsible for education should evaluate good practices from each other countries and tried to prepare what the school would be like after corona. And I hope that new generations could visit schools suitable for modern era.

Michaela Stanová  • 21 May 2020

I think European Parliament should not stop funding and supporting the younger "European" generation. we, now more than ever need to connect after this pandemic, we need to meet and share our experiences even more than ever before, across the borders. It will be good for each individual to approach people from other countries and develop empathy for other nations, to see what they went through and what differences were there in fighting the covid. Also, my country, Slovakia just like Hungary and Poland found itself in a situation, where governments used this crisis to expand their conservative views, also are trying to involve them in our constitution, are once again trying to demolish the equality and basic human rights, more explicitly women´s and minority rights. We want to be heard, we want everyone in our country to know that it is something we have to fight for nd at this point, the only way is to feel supported from the European Parliament.

Adam  • 21 May 2020

My idea is closely related to our education, after the pandemic. I was always wondering about ”how new technologies can help me with education”. Although the fact that it's not fair to compare ”normal times” to pandemic times, as for me the possibility to use computers, tablets, and kindle, can be useful during the time after the pandemic end. High tech equipment is even cheaper and lighter than classical workbooks and student’s books. I don't think that books are bad, they are very very important in education, but they can be in the school’s library, and be used occasionally in school and be borrow according to the needs of students . The aim, of EU institutions after a pandemics is to subsidize high-tech equipment for students all around Europe, in order to improve education in the EU. I think that using this equipment and for instance, the internet can change the way of education - not to learning things by heart good but looking for real and reliable information in many different sources.

Laura Valentina Steca  • 21 May 2020

Young people are the future of our society, of our EU, of our world. I’ve been exchange student in 2019/2020 and I had to come back to Italy because of the virus.
In my opinion students in Italy will have less opportunities than in the other European countries, because our family are all more or less pour and nobody helps us. I feel lucky, but many of my friends are in trouble. They don’t feel a part of the EU because just some people from the other EU countries help us. Think for a moment about the internet connection. If you don’t have the connection you can’t use computers to attend the lessons or to chat with your friends... you are alone and you feel alone.
I suggest something: why don’t the EU help as much as possible the pour countries (Italy, Greek, Hungary...), especially young people? Money is not the only important thing in this world. We want more right for young people, more attention, more opportunities, more ways to feel part of this big community. It’s not easy, I know, but simple things are the ones that change our life.
Why don’t you think about building an online community for EU young people or present some projects which can involve us and teach something about the EU government and politics? We can know better each other, share opinions, suggest ideas and... create a big family where people are not alone!

Maria Borg  • 21 May 2020

Young people should have their opinions more valued by the EP and its members. Many young people are pushing for more sustainable solutions to climate change and less wasteful measures, and yet we seem to be ignored a lot of the time for 'exaggerating the facts'. The pandemic kills people but so will climate change if it gets worse, which it progressively is. European Parliament and its Members need to focus more on this crisis, and not just focus on the Covid crisis. As we saw from COVID, most jobs can be done from home and so we should be pushing towards more remote working; reducing congestion and keeping people happier in the process.

The European Parliament and its Members should take on young people's opinions more seriously, and not just brush it off as something 'cute' of us to say. We will be shaping the future of this world, but we need a world to be able to shape, and our predecessors are responsible for this. We must stop focusing solely on what will make Europe more money and focus more on what will make people happier and more satisfied with their lives (ie. cleaner air, more flexible working conditions etc, but these must actually be enforced in EVERY European country).

The role of young people in Europe's recovery is to be able to push further the economy after the pandemic ends, since many older people are more vulnerable to the virus. For example, being encouraged to take public transport through better availability of public transport, being given safer entertainment places such as clubs/bars etc.

Denis  • 22 May 2020

In my opinion, there is a need to subsidy of the birth-rate. I hereby propose all-European programme of financial support for mothers, paid by the EU.
For example, primipara will receive f.e. 5000€, for a second child, mother will receive 3000€ and for 3rd child 1000€. (AMOUNTS ARE JUST EXAMPLES)

Anke  • 22 May 2020

During the last several months, the crisis showed how weak our industrial, export model and globalization is. It is time that we drastically change our food chain. Both for us locally, as for the entire European and global population. Locally grown, locally eaten should be our goal. We export our potatoes to China, and import other once from Israel... without really knowing what the impact of this food is on human and natural level. The future of Europe should provide stabile living conditions for all European citizens. Justice and sustainability are the most effective ways to come there. So let’s start with our food consumption! More restrictions on import and better schooling of our farmers should lead the way

Anke  • 22 May 2020

During the last several months, the crisis showed how weak our industrial, export model and globalization is. It is time that we drastically change our food chain. Both for us locally, as for the entire European and global population. Locally grown, locally eaten should be our goal. We export our potatoes to China, and import other once from Israel... without really knowing what the impact of this food is on human and natural level. The future of Europe should provide stabile living conditions for all European citizens. Justice and sustainability are the most effective ways to come there. So let’s start with our food consumption! More restrictions on import and better schooling of our farmers should lead the way

Konstantina  • 22 May 2020

As we all know, the future and the strength of every country is its youth population. Therefore, the EU will be able to progress past the difficulties, that will obviously arise as a result of the pandemic, by actually listening to what we want and what we expect from Europe so it can be a friendly and stable environment for us all. According to my way of thinking, the main aspects we should all focus on are:
- Giving young people the opportunity of having access to workplace. A main aspect of economical problems in many countries of the EU (especially in Greece) is the youth unemployment of ages 22 - 29.
- Protecting the values of democracy and equality for everyone. Hungary and Poland are currently in the middle of passing extremely conservative laws that do not belong in the 21st century.
- Continue striving for the protection of the environment and the fight for climate crisis
- Advance the level of the educational system of every country-member. The solution to ignorance has always been education and we are able to improve the future of the next generations by improving the education.

Our main goal should be a progressive society based on democracy, human rights, a fair economic and work environment and a healthy planet.

Konstantinos Ps  • 22 May 2020

Εurope is going through a crisis of both supply and demand. Dynamically changing labor market trends will mainly affect the new generation of european citizens. In addition to the unimpeded movement and work of young people within the EU, the institutions must design appropriate policies to assist the governments of each country and promote radical reforms so as not to affect the number of current workers so much with the digital transition. the above are general observations to a large extent. as for the pandemic, i come from the country that overcame the curve and was a positive example for Greece, even though it has been experiencing a socio-economic crisis for 10 years. I propose to immediately strengthen the air carriers in european countries, of course, before the passengers do the necessary tests in order to strengthen the tourism and catering structures of each country. Let's motivate businesses not to lay off workers because with rising unemployment rates, young people will find it even harder to find work if external competition increases. Let's look beyond economic benefits and expand social welfare. Social groups such as people with disabilities, the elderly, the long-term unemployed and young people without adequate training to accept with planning and resources through state support programs to reduce social injustice and their marginalization. The forthcoming european strategy for education, training and employment should focus on human with the sole purpose of improving his quality.

Davide B.  • 22 May 2020

The EU Green deal shall be improved. To create a green future is also essential support the smart work. This is the only way to cut the co2 emissions, immediatly and with a low cost. The only possibile future of the world is green. We have this task right now for younger people!

Vasilis Strongylos  • 22 May 2020

➡️ I think that they Will have the change to work much more from their home, also they had tha change the days before to know about many ways Who might help them in the future to increase their abilities.
Surerly the difficulty and the components for one job Will be raised.
➡️ The parliament and the members have to make the institution of europe much stronger and more fair.
➡️ The participation

Andrei Dodea  • 22 May 2020

My idea kind of encompasses all of the above into one.
I believe it is no longer the duty of the older generations to hold the flame of their societies.

As crazy as it may sound, I believe we should give incentives for young people to take the matter into their own hands.

I believe that even a "normal" citizen, a usual young person dealing with the new age stuff ( online banking, social media, using mobile apps, etc.) Would have a lot to offer their communities.

What I advising are mini courses subsidised by the government where the older generations could learn from the new... And by that I mean young people nourishing their communities more with their young attitudes, great insights and powerful ways of seeing the world in a new light.

Mary A.  • 22 May 2020

I think that the situation of lockdown due to the pandemic was food for thought especially for young people but also a hard time. I believe that the increase of unemployment is going to be one of the hardest things young people will have to deal with but from a more optimistic point of view I think that this whole situation has been an opportunity for young people to reconsider out priorities. Apart from economic support from the EU I believe that young people really want to feel that the European Union is not only there in crisis but in our every day lives. It is in our hands to contribute to the rebuilding of the Union with actions and not only words in order to feel that we are all part of the Europe.

Georgi Bozhidarov  • 23 May 2020

Stable and well-financed healthcare systems. Platforms that allow coordination between all member-states in case a global healthcare crisis occurs again and departments for emergency scenarios on a national and on an EU level. In case all of these things exist - optimize!

Ivan Kanev  • 23 May 2020

It's so urgent to investigate the grand corruption in my home country - Bulgaria. So much money from EU funds gets stolen. Please do something, investigate everyone that's in the parlament. Especially Delyan Peevski.

Babette  • 23 May 2020

The Europe I am hoping for after this pandemic is an open one, a more accessible institution. I read a lot about citizens assemblies and I think it is exactly what we need. Let me explain why. First, citizens assemblies give people the impression of being able to influence politics, to be part of it, to matter. As a citizens assembly mirrors society it would help to increase the representation of minorities, and also youth - which currently is not represented by most MEPs. It would work against anti-democratic structures embedded in the EU institutions, and counteract the European Commission, a body full of non-elected experts. Thus, the first reason for a citizens assembly is to make the European citizens more aware of the impact they can have, and make Europe more democratic. The second reason is that a citizens assembly would help to create a European identity, something that currently is declining while populism and nationalism is rising. This would help to fight internal struggle and create cohesion to external threats. The last reason is that the assembly would help to make decisions that politicians currently cannot make - because of reputation, restrictions, national interest. For global issues such as climate change citizens assemblies can find new solutions, and think outside the box. It might actually help to take step forward in many fields.
A citizens assembly could never replace the entire structure of the EU but it could add democratic value to it on several levels. It could set priorities and demonstrate what really matters to the people of the EU.

Paris  • 23 May 2020

The EU is a monetary union rather than a political one at the moment - the original idea was that by integrating economically we would then move towards a political integration. This hasn't happened; instead we have individual countries pushing for their own agendas - there is no political or ideological cohesion -
The EU parliament, while it is elected by the people, doesnt represent the power of the people - it is elected from existing national parties, and lacks power and vision.
The commissions are groups of country leaders, each pushing for their own agendas, not taking into account European integration.

We need an EU constitution, that provides the basic principles of our Union.
We need representation, that is free of national party politics.

We also need public works that connect us- why not a railway spanning across Europe connecting every capital? (its also way more environmental than air-travel) at them moment there is no direct connection between Paris-Berlin let alone Greece.

And finally communication; it is often the case that national governments take the credit of all good done and blame all the mistakes at the EU - communication, and transparency

Kai Capuzzo  • 23 May 2020

The European Union should convert into a new form of European Federalism, with shared debt, army, government, laws etc and bet on the Green Revolution inciting the countries to evaluate the multiple uses of the Cannabis plant.

Slava  • 23 May 2020

Young people tend to be the future. Although they are not in charge now , 20 years ahead they will be the key points and their behaviour depends on the people today.
In my opinion , the youth should be supported in every way possible including scholarships, exchanges, projects for development, etc. More money should be invested in education and making it popular to be responsible and smart.
I am thankful that I was part of the Europen club in my high school which helped me to develop a better prespective. Troughout my experience , I was able to met two of our local EU members - Eva Paunova who motivated me that I can also succeed and Svetoslav Minkov who send me different projects to get involved with.

Leire Elbusto  • 23 May 2020

As a Spanish citizen that believes in a strong European project, I think that all the countries must share the loads in order to build a strong community. Solidarity , brotherhood and cooperation must be the pillars. According to the Covid 19 and how the EU has faced that , I public healthcare must be reinforced in order to make it universal and offordable to every citizen.
In addition, EU must give voice to young people through programmses or conferences at University and High schools.
Joining forces is basic to go forward.

Mehranvi  • 23 May 2020

Don’t drive today with yesterday’s maps .The tales have changed. The writing has changed. There is no going back. Countries need leader's who have the vision for future and strength to lead in these situations.

Panayiotis  • 24 May 2020

With regard to the pandemic situation young people can contribute to the recovery of European Union.
1)Every town of every city in a european country can collect a small amount of money which it will be given for all people's needs when they need to do something for them all together.So that money will be saved for emergency situations of the town. Like a monthly deposit but very low because of crisis.
2)People who take higher salaries in eurpean countries must have to pay a little higher taxes amount to their goverment so the goverment it will be able to help the rest of the people more effectively.

3) People who get sick under a serious epidemic like COVID-19 or other diseas they must be able to take some extra money from their goverment because they will be at home for a long period. The money will be given for their medication and essential needs.

4)All employees of Hospitals and the rest of front line workes and the doctors who have not a high monthly salary must be allowed to take from Europe a small amount of money for their contribution to the safety of resident's health.

5)Education of teenagers and children must be cotnrolled when they will be at home that they won't be missing their lessons at school.The system of e-learning must be capable to know how it can be better to be more efficient to the students. Goverments must hire some proffesional technicians who will be paid with a percentage from European Eunion because they will be ensuring that european students who stay at home can enjoy their e-learning.

6)Europe must make european lectures to explain to all students by online broadcast how important it is to know how they can be safe from epidemics and how important it is to do not keep missing their lessons from school when they are home.

7)European Parliament can fund a techonological system which will be installed in every country and it will be tracking and detecting the people who want to publish some fake news to confuse the rest of the people.

8)Every year European Union can be funding a national festival in every country where the residents will be collecting moneys for the vulnerable societies.

9) A better idea is, a europeam socila group to be created on facebook when the people of Europe can instantly take some help for any essential personal need like psycological supprt or some solutions about their economic issues.

Ana  • 24 May 2020

Universal basic income. We're responsible enough for freedom.

Dominik  • 24 May 2020

The virus is the fastest spreading in densely populated cities. The European Union and the Member States should pursue a policy of developing smaller towns. Investments, online job offers, housing support programs and business opening in smaller cities can reduce the problem of overcrowding in metropolises that are already an unhealthy, polluted living environment.
An example of such a program was "active residency allowance" in the Italian Molise Region. An underpopulated region in southern Italy offered newcomers € 700 per month for three years to live and start business in one of its villages.
More such programs are needed.

Nikhil Kommi Nandakumar  • 24 May 2020

I think we need to think about how can we secure our industries if such pandemic occurs again.
1. Having to manufacture essential items in Europe and reduce dependence on other countries near future is the first step.
2. Attracting industries all around the world to Europe for ease of setting up their business any country of their choice based on economic package, and 50% tax reduction rate if more than 1000 people are employed.
3. Having collaborative supply chain network that focuses on improving industries in EU for faster delivery of products.
4. Having policies to easily employ people of any EU nationality, beyond language barrier.
5. For ease of startups, no minimum salary is need for 3 years. This way we can get lot of talented people who would create jobs in EU.
6. But also there should be ease of closing a business and good bankruptcy law.
7. There should be more collaboration b/w developed and developing EU nations. All major government contracts in EU should be given to EU companies.
8. Ease of access to market of any EU nation without any additional cost is +ve Setup and there should be business assistance for new companies with help of respective gov.
9. Protection of jobs, health of people in EU is based on better health policies, good retirement package, having cost of medicine should decrease.
10. Having better medical infrastructure to reduce cost of Heath care in EU.

Diana Fonte  • 24 May 2020

The economic system should be changed drastically in order to fight inequality and climate change. Having money should make it harder to win more money and not cheaper. Also, it makes no sense the assumption that every country, economy and enterprise have to grow continuously since resources, time, people and money are limited. We should create a society that focusses on sustainability and equality intead of the one we havr that focuses on money and power.

Emanuela Neagu  • 24 May 2020

I believe young people are more concerned about today's economy more than ever. And therefore we try to think about ways in which we can help and improve our situation. Many people have lost their businesses that were just taking off so perhaps the European Parliament should try to keep alive small, new businesses. Many people have had to sell everything at a smaller price just to have a roof above their head. Indeed, loaning money to projects is risky but new and innovative people always emerge and now, more than ever they need to believe in themselves and in the power that Europe withholds. After this pandemic, young people will definitely be more aware of the possibilities that the internet provides but also they will try to rely on it even more than before. When the pandemic happened there were many places around the glob that had low internet speed due to the heavy load of people surfing the web. Why did this happen and why was no one prepared? What is there to do about it? Firstly, we need to invest our interest in the internet providers, we need to sustain small businesses and we need to allow young people to travel as much as possible. Some of the best discoveries that have emerged throughout history were more often than not stolen brought to Europe from different places.

Myrthe Leliaert  • 24 May 2020

First of all, I feel that europes borders should be shared as one bubble as soon as possible (also if something similar happens in the future). Idealy there would be an easy website/app to check all the seperate measurements per country (I feel like countries should still be allowed a somewhat independant approach to the measurements, just because having to agree with all memberstates probably takes awhile and efficiency is key). If the borders stay closed too long, I suspect that people might start to grow impatiant and try to cross borders in more illegal ways.

We should prioritize European products, so that we don't have to rely on the rest of the world. The USA should also be less popularised. Let's popularise our own nations instead. Economy should focus on making us self sufficient - also ecologically - let's try not to ruin nature.

The nature came back to life during the lockdown, and I hope we can keep this up. Brussels airlines should not get the billions they were asking for - subsidions should be taken away from airtravel and put into trains and busses, so that we build a railwaysystem similar to Russia, where they choose traveling by train for days over airplanes. Important to note is that trains than definitely should get a lot cheaper (ryanair prices for the slower trains between brussels and copenhagen for example).

A strong focus on staying connected between the different countries should be a priority I think. There should be more clear opportunities for young people to go to foreign countries, both for voluntary and payed work. An international job office would be fun. I bet lots of young people are super interested in doing a corona clean-up related summer job - definitely if it could get us out of the country. I feel like some type of voluntary conscription to a new type of european task force, which is not exactly like the army or peace corps, would be incredibly cool. Once there is need for extra people in a bad situation in the EU, you could notificated. A short additional training, depending on what you're asked to do, could be optional? Important with this is that it should be known as an option. I personally am unaware of a lot of programmes going on, and this way I miss out on a lot of opportunities.

Economically Belgium is largely forgetting the weaker under us: the people who rent. People who have bought a house can put their loans on hold but renters (who usually cannot even afford a loan for a house) have to keep paying. Monthly rent should be treated equal to monthly pay-back of a loan. Less people would need help buying food this way.

A last big wish for the future (also for my country itself): I hope bureaucracy and silly small rules can be minimized as much as possible, to let everything run as efficient as possible.

Leandro  • 24 May 2020

I imagine a future in which we are all more awake and more responsible for our destinies as well as for the future of our countries. I hope young people will become more engaged, more critical and more focussed. I dream of a Europe with more creative industries, with more people making things happen, keeping alive our traditions yet preserving our freedom. We will keep taking the walls away.
The EU needs to help young people to find opportunities in their villages, towns and homelands. We need more long term policies rather than superficial and limited programmes. We need solid bases. Migration has to be an option and not a requirement to survive. We need to encourage the youth to think they can play active roles in developing and shaping their own country. Frustrations have to be replaced by an idea of self responsibility and gratitude.
Young people are the keepers of the European values. They will be the future workforce, taxpayers, leaders, scientists, activists and politicians. Young people need to channel their own challenges into solutions while getting enriched from intergenerational dialogue. We need to keep promoting all the good Europe has achieved together. We need to be proud of our past and present yet keep our eyes wide open and make human dignity a European value again. We have so much to protect and still some smaller mountains to climb together.

Lukas  • 25 May 2020

Stop Fiscal Paradises inside the European Union and Basic Income for people unemployed

Robert  • 25 May 2020

Hello!I don't speak english very well,so sorry for any mistakens.I have some steps for EU to follows to help our generations after pandemic:
Step 1)Supporting young antrepreneurs-doesn't seem like a great ideea but it can be.Why?The answers is:Youngers from out generations are more creative,smart,ingenious,tech savvy,and can promoted very easily their bussiness in online.Here is an advantage for Eu,to supporting youngers who want to running a online bussiness.So,youngers can go with more inovative and ingenious ideas in any field of economy.It's clear to after pandemic the food field will be the one in which it will be act because after pandemic people will not have more money and the only things they will buy will be food.So young people can go with more ideas in this field.For example create chickens farms,pig farms for their consumption,create cow farms for milk and cheese,investing în agriculture to obtain fruits and vegetables.Lately people are looking for sweets without sugar,so,why not,create a bussiness who make sweets without sugar.Opening a bussiness means create jobs for people,create product,sell them on market an obtain profit.These are just a few ideas.The UE can also support farmers who already have farms and sell them products on the market to grow their bussiness.There are ideas that young antreprenors can come up with them.Eu need to support and help them now to make a better future less later.
Step 2)Emotional support for youngers-All youngers are scared.EU have to finds methods such online psyhological counseling,or organizing public conferences with many people to inspire safe,courage and security to help them.
Step3)Invest in healthy sistem,investing in researching project to create new technologies în medical sistem,growth medical sistem în poor countryside region of some country,and invest very more în healthy sistem.
Step4)Continued to support young people who studiyng to the college
Step5)Creating a selection of young people with performance in any areas like politics,bussiness,sport,science,etc,and invest în them.
Step6)Fighting with corruptions in countries like Romania,investigating how the money allocated by the EU for investment was spent by a specialized European system to fight with corruption.
There are some ways in which the EU can help young people.But the most important steps remain, the one that Winston Churcil and Robert Schuman certainly really wanted,is,Europe not need to be only a continent or a union,bu be a FAMILY.EUROPE MUST BE A FAMILY. Europes must win trust of all its citizen first,the countries of Europe must be more united,people must be more united.TOGHETER,WORKING AS A FAMILY WE CAN BUILD A BETTER FUTURE.All people of this continent must be a people.All the problems of this continent after pandemic,politics,economic,social and all the rest will be solved when Europe will no longer be just a continent or a union,but it will be a family.

Natalia  • 25 May 2020

From my point of view, nothing will be the same ever again, everyone will always come across as careful and cautious. But I think the one thing that has to be done is finding a way young people can state their voice!! At this moment and at any other moment we never get a say in anything, and I think that having a voice of young people would hugely benefit everyone if young people could have a say!!!
Thank you!

Jo Bothmer  • 25 May 2020

The future will be influenced by what happned during the last months. This gives us an extra reason to bring forward three msot important issues for the next years.
1. The adoption of a minimum income in all EU MS. This secures at least the basic needs of people, including young persons. A minimum income should start at 18 year.
2. There is a great need of affordable and decent social housing. To support young people to start a life for themsselves, we need new kind op housing corporations and the build of tiny house communities. There are good practices in the EU and the European Anti Poverty Network, as EAPN Netherlands, can offer to bring groups togehter to discuss how this development, seen within the Green Deal, can be brougth forward quickly.
3. Education is seen as one of the most important issue. But a lot of children, the crisis has shows how fast didgital learning can be developed, do not have access to internet or a deent computer/laptop. Extra programs are needed to maken eductaion avialable for really all youngsters. This may become an important new part of the Erasmus+ program.

Achat H Gallute  • 25 May 2020

I think it's important to have an all inclusive society. Affordable housing for young people is a big imperative for inclusivity. Especially after the pandemic when a huge number of young people in Europe are likely to become homeless. Many housing programs should have a minimal requirements to help young people into housing without stigma. Finland's "Housing First" policy proves that homelessness can be avoided. I think this is the right time for all the EU member states to adopt to Finland's policy of "Housing First".

Thank you.

Omar mofeed  • 25 May 2020

Hi, thank you for organising this event in this difficult time.
I’m half Irish half Palestinan, currently living in the UK.

I have two questions please:
1 during and after this pandemic, most of the people will be effected, what are the plans the European Parliament have to support the (young) medical, and health workers as they worked hard, there traning program has been suspended, and we need them to be strong to safe us in the future

2 Israel announced the during this Pandemic, the annexation of the palestinan land, a plan to make the occupation of most of the West Bank legal, and to make the illegal Israeli settlements part of Israel, The Israeli government announced that this will happen in the next few weeks. The EU is the biggest trade partner with Israel, also the Israeli army is doing the army research in the EU using the EU research fund, one more thing, the Israeli universities in the illegal Israeli settlements are getting fund to build campuses in the palestinan land, what is the European Parliament plan to do i this issue?

George  • 25 May 2020

Make China pay for the damage caused by the virus. It was their fault.

Nicholas Morgan  • 25 May 2020

Mental health has seen its profile raising steadily over the last few years across Europe, although with cast disparity. In the wake of the disruption of Covid19, Europe, now more than ever, needs to take youth mental health far more seriously and you cannot do that without a network of young people with lived experience and passion about the topic to drive this work forward.

We are proposing that there needs to be a firmly established network of young people, managed and coordinated by expert youth workers, clinicians and participation officers with expertise in mental health to ensure this happens properly and that the trauma of Covid19, doesn't increase the already alarming figures of young people with mental health problems going forward.

Elina  • 25 May 2020

After each crisis, an opportunity is born. It's an opportunity to look back, check our morals, our political and economical system and make changes in order to help people who are in need and prevent bigger damage. Greece needs financial aid for refugees and natives in need as wages are getting lower while exactly the opposite happens with the taxes. It needs further changes in social policy and the welfare state if we wanna be called a nation that cares about its citizens.

Emil  • 25 May 2020

Help all the interests of the countries and left none behind, all Europe should work together and prove that we are stronger together!
A more proactive approach should be made across all the countries to resolve their specific problems.
We should all decide together and carry the burden together.

Gheorghe Mihai-Andrei  • 25 May 2020

Unity. Progress towards becoming a single country to more easily focus resources on common goals, such as: avoiding climate change, which in my opinion is the most pressing matter, considering that leaving the issue unaddressed could lead to extinction. In conclusion I believe unity is needed in order to more efficiently tackle the problems that humanity is facing

Kathy  • 25 May 2020

I think we should move toward a post-growth economic system. Growth doesn't lead us anywhere anymore. Air pollution, burn outs, deforestation, increasing inequalities, ... I don't want that system anymore.

Instead of implementing austerity measures again (which, by the way, didn't work after 2008 so don't expect them to work this time either), we should think and move towards a sustainable economic, social & environmental system

Shibu Antony  • 26 May 2020

One of the things that is Ultimately necessary is that we actually analyse how dependent we are on other countries and what kind of autonomy we have on the industry with in the country and map out the current capabilities of Europe and work towards setting up systems to ensure autonomy for basic necessities and services. The response within Europe has been rather commendable however with the lockdown going on One of the things we could have is education/training programs specific for the common citizens(especially students within universities) during this lockdown so that in case of a future pandemic we can ensure an efficient response for everyone and people have set guidelines on specific projects that can be worked on to tackle the situation based on the domain of expertise. In some way this would be a sort of emergency citizen collective response towards the future pandemics.
The covid crisis did bring together many people however the effort was not a rather collective one and there were some areas that were more focused than others. Such a structure can ensure proper utilisation of human resources especially within universities. We could have response teams with experienced personal from the industry as well as academics and each arm would be responsible for delivering certain deliverables that we deem are essential for any pandemics in the future. Such structures would be very good opportunities for both students/academics and industry and would foster better environment to develop solutions at much faster rate and not have multiple solutions for one problem and no solution for the other.

Alexandros Kazakos  • 26 May 2020

I think that one of the biggest fundamental challenges that the EU faces at the moment is the rise of Euroscepticism. Though a very big part of the European people believes in the European project, this doesn't make them really feel Europeans. Instead we are still divided among French, German, Italians, Polish, Greeks, Portuguese, etc. This is mostly visible to older generations, but also a big part of the youth. In my point of view, the most serious issue that Europe faces is how to enhance the European feeling among its people, how to make them feel truly Europeans and part of something bigger without at the same time erasing their national feelings. To that extent, there are a lot of measures that can be adopted. For example, there should be more information about the European Parliament's role and its procedures. Creating a European Parliament Channel to every single EU country, as the national parliaments have one, could help towards this direction. Not everyone has access to live streaming online, but also a channel would give the opportunity for projection of documentaries and other historical facts of European integration, therefore making people more knowledgeable about our common roots. Another measure could be the adoption of a common European language next to the national languages. This language could be used by EU citizens when they are moving to work or study in another country. Myself, coming from Greece, but living, studying and working in the Netherlands have found it very hard to live in another EU country. Even though everyone in the Netherlands speaks English fluently, all the documents, contracts, etc, are in Dutch. Of course, we can all learn new languages, but this doesn't really help people who want to move and live in different EU countries for a short period of time and explore different aspects of the European culture. Having the possibility to choose in which language would you like to receive governmental documents and job contracts would make it extremely easy for people to move freely within the EU. Of course, there are still way more measures that can be adopted in this direction and which I cannot enumerate here, but I think that these are some of the most basic ones.

Alexandros Kazakos  • 26 May 2020

One of the most fundamental issues "How to enhance the European feeling?"
1) A European Parliament Channel in every EU country with projection of the procedures of the European Parliament and documentaries regarding European Integration to make people more knowledgeable about our common roots.
2)Adoption of a common EU language, preferably English (as its the most spoken non-native language in Europe) next to the national languages for EU citizens who want to move and live in another EU country, providing them with the possibility to receive all government documents and job contracts in this language.

Maria Dolores Teresa Quirimit  • 26 May 2020

I envision a Europe strong and united.
But when Covid-19 came into the surface from China, not only Europe but also the rest of the world didn't take the necessary measures to prepare for such pandemic (even though WHO has given a detailed guide on what to do in such situation on 2005).
The Europe of today has accomplished many achievements, but also has many flaws and made mistakes. Not being able to have a fast response resulted in the deaths of many people. And so this crisis most of the time has been taken care on a national level.
The question is what can Europe do in the aftermath?
I propose a Universal Basic Income (UBI) across EU, as a necessary policy that should be implemented on all European Counties. But on its core UBI is an unconditionally granted to all on an individual basis, without means test or work!!
So in much simpler terms FREE MONEY for everyone without having any requirements as long as you are an adult and live in Europe.
There are many benefits to count, but on my opinion it can also boost the economic growth of country, while improving the lifestyle of the people.
Think of it as an investment that the governments will give to its people. Hypothetically let's say the government gives 1000€ for each individual. The people will have the freedom to manage their own money whether they buy product goods from their local markets or being able to pay a significant portion of their taxes and etc. In a way the money will be given back to the government, but on the same time it will improve the living condition of the people.
There are 3 popular questions when UBI is concerned:
-Where can we find the money?
- Why rich people should be part of this granted?
- Why is not only limited to the poor? And etc...
I could give you the answers, but I believe it is a matter that is important to be researched individually (to examine the pros and cons), and not to have an "impression" of what we believe UBI is, without making the necessary research.
What I ask from EU institutions is to take UBI in a great consideration since is not limited in a certain ideology but you can match it in many different ideologies (feminism, environmentalism, human rights etc.)
OH and one important thing, UBI is on the same page with the goals and values of EU.
Also It would be ideal if each EU country examines the potential of having a UBI based on their own ecomic capabilities, since not all countries follow the same economic model.
I know that my whole point seems kinda utopic, but I certainly believe it can become a Reality.
Thank you for giving us a platform to voice our concerns, since we are a generation that will determine the future.
If we want a strong and united Europe, then we need to have similar strengths in terms of economy without corruption, a diologue between cultures and a strong sense of where we want to be heading towards. If that happens then it will truly be a discussion "equal to equal" / "ίσος προς ίσο".
A nation cannot be called "a developed country" if it ignores the needs of its people and Europe needs to acknowledge its mistakes, forgive them and move forward.

Irene  • 26 May 2020

I believe young people should be at the center of Europe’s codiv19 recovery, unlike what happened in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, where they were mostly seen as collateral damage.

The outcomes of initiatives such as the European Youth Event, in this year's online version, and any other inputs collected from youngsters should be taken into consideration and given substance to, in the form of policy and legislative proposals. So many excellent and diverse insights and ideas have been shared; it would be a real pity not to follow up on them with concrete initiatives.

I think EU institutions can start from here to get young Europeans' personal and professional future right. Also, they should make sure that appropriate follow-up to EU measures is given by Member states, where the prime and ultimate responsibility for youth policy implementation truly lies.

Dani  • 26 May 2020

Nowadays, young people should be considered as the moving power of society. We should teach our children as building the future which may not be as calm as we wanted to be. Considering the COVID-19 crisis we should plan our actions in even more dangerous situations( such as illnesses). I think that school programs should teach children how to mentally take such critical situations and how to act in one, what are the social boundaries that we should respect, what should we do to prevent ourselves. On the other hand, I suggest that EU should support young people( above 18years old) which want to help during such rough times. Also, Not only EU but the whole world should invent a method of keeping our life and economics vivid during pandemic in order to avoid the bankruptcy of small businesses, because all of that has an enormous impact on young people who want to build their future in different business and markets. For instance all people who want to study abroad were in extremely difficult situation during the pandemic. Which has caused a lot of problems which people were not able to avoid. EU should establish the communication between countries.
Moreover, In my opinion EU should invent a new way to encourage young people to help in crisis times. It may create a new professional teams for help and teach them how to be useful and how to act in beneficial way .

Mór  • 26 May 2020

I wish there would be marriage equality in all EU countries, so I could marry the one I fell in love with, adopt a kid (together, both of us as parents), and have a family together (for example in Hungary we can't have that). Also a law that guarantees all EU citizens their right to change their name and sex whichever EU country they are in. That would be good. You know, just basic human rights would be really good.

Giorgio A. Sciara  • 26 May 2020

The Covid-19 crisis has put the European Union in front of its weaknesses and showed the need to reform its institutions and competences.
The lack of unity in the first phase of the infection has increased the eurosceptic sentiment across the citizens of the most hit countries (Italy and Spain first); we must regain the popular consent around the European project but to obtain this we have to be sure that the EU will be near to our people trough concrete aids and solidarity.

The European Recovery Fund should be financed by Eurobonds (common debt) which will unite the national economies even more; this debt would be repaid thanks to European taxes (Web tax, Carbon tax...) which would also become the first core of a European Union's own budget, independent of single states contributes.

Another important issue is the reform of the European institutions: the Council of the European Union has shown its incapacity of deciding in quick times due to the divisions between the European states, in light of this facts it's important to abolish the unanimity system and transfer the legislative power entirely to the European Parliament, giving the right of initiative to the EMPs.

The post-pandemic world will see an high polarisation between USA and China; the European Union must avoid divisions inside Europe and the only way to do this is trough the construction of an European army and a common foreign policy, both directed by the European Commission.

To surge stronger from this terrible pandemic we must unite in our diversity!

Gabriela  • 26 May 2020

Hi, I am from Bulgaria. I am sorry my english isn't very good. Here, in Bulgaria, the COVID 19 scared us. There aren't many affected people. The politics start to open everything- hotels, museum, bars, cafes, restaurants and many more.
I am 16 yaers old and I think that young people are those that can help people to understand the virus better. We can explain the things more carefully to older. Also we can help the people to keep their hope for better future.
The economy is at very bad position. The young people have a better and modern ideas and I think we must to listeen their idaes and follow them.
European Parliament should help to young people with their work in schools and universities. The pandemic made a learning harder. Understanding between school institutions and students is very important.
Also, the online videos, speeches from young people to the world are very good idea to lift people's spirits.
I hope everything gets better soon. Stay home, keep a distance, try to explain to your family that it a big problem but they shouldn't be afraid if they follow the rules. If you think today, tomorrow will be better. Sending love and greetings to all the citizens of Europe. We are together in this.

William Kennedy  • 28 May 2020

We should resist the authoritarian encroachment, focusing less on quick business deals and cheap imports and instead on sustainable solutions for the promotion of democracy and values-based trade and alliances.

Hong Kong’s autonomy is the first clear victim of encroaching authoritarianism, and we should welcome Hong Kong migrants to Europe, both to strengthen our own participation in democracy and civil rights (for which Hong Kongers could share their passion), and also to provide Europe with a population that understands China, which will help us to formulate policy and China strategy.

We should further support Taiwan and other free and open societies. Covid 19 has shown that blind consumerism is not necessary for many, and it would be good to reintroduce some values to how we deal with authoritarian states, while promoting economies that align with our values.

Ella Oelbrandt  • 28 May 2020

Today's youth are the future's workforces. If anything the European Union can do for us now, it's to make shure we are being heard, that our dreams should not be tempered (and that we should get support where necessary whether it's art or sports or caring). The EU can do this buy making their initiatives popular and known, because a lot of youngsters don't know what the possibilities are. Schools can teach about these things, give flyers, show videos during classes, ...

Oprea Alina Alexandra  • 29 May 2020

Europe means the people that embrace and express the same European ideas, values and ways of living .
It is truth that the Covid -19 pandemic left us in the position to rebuild ,because development comes from communication, health security and environment protection. People start to feel better because the time of pandemic confinement is over.
As a European artist and song writer, my question and my enquiry is on the subject of European Programs that help to develop ideas and art project .My best greetings to all .

Sanna  • 29 May 2020

In my country they say 'onbekend maakt onbehind', or in English: if you don't know something, you don't like it. I think that's the same reason why, in my country, a lot of people have stereotypes about certain countries. They've never befriended someone from said country, so there has never been a reason for them to 'check' their stereotypes. Building on that, my suggestion would be to connect younger people through vlogs, specifically in a school-context. If you would match up schools from different countries, you could make it an education and fun program, with kids having to make their own vlogs showing their daily school life and than sharing this. Their teachers could provide a translation in English to go with the vlog, tell the children something about the country and perhaps there could be a possibility for a penpal (e-mail) to go along with this.

Jo Bothmer  • 31 May 2020

What I noticed is that the Ep is using Facebook for its messages and video meetings. EYE, in the opninion of the European Anti Poverty Network Netehrlands ( could be THE place to involve young people in starting an EU websystem for use for the EP, the EC and the MS. That would be great and is an expression of the R&D policy of the European Commission. So, when does this start?

Pablo  • 04 June 2020

My idea comes in the line of the European regions, which include parts of different states.

I am from Galicia, in the northwest of Spain and the relation of my land with the north of Portugal is very strong, both culturally and economically. However, in these coronavirus crises, the border between Portugal and Spain is closed, even though neither Galicia nor northern Portugal were regions affected by the Coronavirus which cause a big economic impact in both regions.

In the long run, my proposal is the integration of regions that, for historical reasons, are part of different states, but that united could be an engine of economic growth and prosperity. This idea is in line with the notion of Europe as one state and the destruction of nation-states.

Felice Giuseppe Rita Lana  • 08 June 2020

I think that in this period of social crisis is very important the role of young people and the european parliament could approve some law about the work, specially for the pension age that i think can be drop so older worker could be safe and younger people could have more work possibility. In my opinion this could be an interesting idea for rising the european economy.
Lana Felice Giuseppe Rita

Eoin Reid  • 09 June 2020

As lockdown measures begin to ease I know myself and alot of young people have felt very trapped and isolated over the past few months, and as countries begin to open and adjust to the new normal I feel as though our desire to travel around Europe and explore and experience it more has only been invigorated as we have learned that we took our oppurtunities to travel so easily and experience more than just where you live for granted.

One barrier to this however may be the lack of finance available and the financial hardship for young people to act on this desire as the looming recession comes and unemployment levels begi to rise.

One of my purposals would be in favour of extending the Discover EU pass to all 18 years old instead of a select few, or perhaps a scholarship scheme for all young people,perhaps 18 - 24, where you could apply for a full or part scholarship towards your travels around Europe.

I feel there is no better way to strengthen the bond, particularlly at this difficult time,between the different EU countries, cultures and people than to experience them first hand.

Georgia Vasileiou  • 10 June 2020

The Covid-19 crisis brought in the surface many of the issues that the Union already had. The economic crisis that follows this pandemic sets back the already struggling young people, who just managed to get a light of hope after the 2008 economic recession. Many of the issues can be found in all of the state-members such as youth unemployment, housing (rents are disproportionate with salary), lack of realistic minimum wage, lack of professional opportunities. It is clear that we are growing to be a generation marked by anxiety, insecurity, health issues and no saving accounts. It would be extremely intelligent if the EU could find a way to battle these problems- along with all other major issues like climate change and racism- by utilising the young professionals that are career-driven and longing for a meaningful job that provides for them the security that previous generations enjoyed. Maybe this recent crisis could be a great opportunity for revolutionary policy changes that address all the current issues. This way the Union could become more contemporary, more relatable and create the unity that needs be achieved between all state-members.

The youth is here, it is educated and ready to start working to get the world out of the crisis and into a better future.

Constantine-Peter Martzaklis  • 24 June 2020

I don't wanna waste your time. You're asking what's my vision about EU. I think is the greatest thing going on in the world right now. I believe in Europe, we can make it, in our distinctive way. We don't take human lifes for granted and we proved it. It was a considerable crisis but we make it. Now we have to prepare. This situation showed us how unpredictable the future can be. Although, that does not mean that we can't be ready for what ever comes next. I am talking about the field of medicine. So what my vision is? Free healthcare for everyone, thus no life will be lost without a fight, and most importantly more hospitals and people, so the systems doesn't collapse in any kind of crisis. I want a Europe of equals. We are not there yet, but I have faith, because I need to! Every European citizen should live with dignity an if you ask me, many people in the south has lost his "privilege" for a long time.

Response to Constantine-Peter Martzaklis by James Sanderson  • 31 December 2020

Hi Constantine, I read your idea!! While I agree with you - the EU has many good aspects and we should continue to improve and help Europe become stronger after the pandemic, there are issues. Your idea to have free healthcare for all, more hospials "so the system doesn' collapose in any kind of crisis" is flawed. Anyone with an understanding of economics knows that free healthcare is unaffordable and unstainable - Europeans should learn to be self-reliant, and not dependent on the state. If we build more hosipals for future health crises - what happens to them during 'easier' times? They lie empty/ underused? That would be a collosal waste of money and resources.

Europe can be a 'Europe of Equals' but if has to be done sensitively to national countries own priorities and not imposed. We can Build Back Better, but not by expanding the State and spending money we don't have. Post-Covid, we should be becoming self-reliant and more focused on self-development - language learning to promote mobility, computer skills for the digital future etc. These are things we as individuals can do and achieve.

That's just my own opinion anyway - but I agree with you, Europe is a force for positive change! But we can't rely on the EU for everything.

Rebeca Casado  • 19 August 2020

I believe that the young generation of EU citizens will have a challenging future, but I also believe that we can develop much more advanced capabilities. We can create many more jobs that do not require that all staff be transferred to a workplace, we can generate working days of 3 to 4 days a week with the right to work online. That can be cheaper and healthier for all of us.
From my point of view we would create a higher performance and probably a more professional job.

Federico  • 22 January 2021

Everyone agree with me, that covid-19 is the worst enemy of humankind of last few months, so we are hoping in a vaccine, but actually we must understand that when this pandemic will end, our life will never be able to become again like before. In fact some scientists think that there are nine hundred thousand microorganisms that will be very danger in the next years. For me mask will became, like our smartphone, we will have our mask with us everywhere and everytime.

Federico  • 22 January 2021

Everyone agree with me, that covid-19 is the worst enemy of humankind of last nfew months, so we are hoping in a vaccine, but actually we must understand that when this pandemic will end, our life will never be able to become again like before. In fact some scientists think that there are nine hundred thousand microorganisms that will be very danger in the next years. For me mask will became, like our smartphone, we will have our mask with us everywhere and everytime.

Stefan Sinca  • 27 January 2021

The European Union is facing a crisis of confidence. The Institutions are far far away from citizens and the feeling is that we are led, not working together for evolution.

The decisional transparency is missing, the leadership is missing and, the most important, communication between citizens and European Institutions is missing.

The leaders are in their world, the citizens in another world. There is no connection between these worlds, there is no communication. European Union need young people who give up technical language and adopt the language of citizens, not the language of institutions.

In the same time, we need to improve the deficit in combating fake news. That’s an EMERGENCY! We don’t need peoples for that, but software algorithms which check all the news from websites that are spreading a lot of fake news and to sound an alarm when something is on. Immediately the fake news needs to be killed with simple words, logical words, not technical or academic language.

I think, the European Union need a `democracy benefits` campaign. It’s important to bring up the crimes of totalitarian regimes and the changes that’s democracy bring them. We need simple examples, from day-to-day life, not concepts. Something like `I can say my opinion now, in the past I didn’t! ` or `I can vote now! ` or `I can travel anywhere, in the pas i was not able to travel! `. This kind of simple examples.

The Democracy is in crises. We need to improve it, but subtle, delicate, without massive campaign like COVID-19 vaccine. Maybe we can use the young influencers for that. But, again, it is very important not to be annoying or stressful, because we don’t want the reverse effect.

All this thing needs to be done with the young people language. The young peoples need to be involved in this, to be induced the idea that they want to do that, that is cool to do that.

Why young people? Because they have `the young people language` and they are involved in social media world and they know how that work and how to spread a message.

If we want the European Union to be fine in the next decade, we need to invest in that, it’s an EMERGENCY!

Giovanni Iozzo  • 07 February 2021

Covid-19 has changed our habits and harmed society economically and socially. This crisis particularly has affected young people, who have been forced to follow classes in an alternative and innovative way but unable to fully replace the traditional schooling system.
Urgent measures are needed on the part of the European Parliament in order to guarantee a more peaceful future for the new generations, with the hope of forgetting this bad experience. First of all, in this period, it is necessary to go against the needs of children and stimulate them so that they can continue to be educated. Another way out of this crisis could be to make it easier for young people to enter the world of work.
In my opinion, the new generations have a key role to play in the recovery of Europe, but we must react now and be ready to overcome any other difficulties.

Aitana Garcia  • 11 February 2021

Según el artículo 14, el que trata sobre:
Que toda persona tiene el derecho a la educación y el acceso a la información profesional y permanente. Entonces según nos comunica el artículo, porque hay una cantidad elevada de niños que no reciben esa educación?
En muchos países no pueden vivir una educación adecuada y con la pandemia conocida como covid-19 también hay una gran dificultad en algunos países para poder comunicarse digitalmente.

Christos Leventis  • 16 February 2021

I think we should invest in ways to avoid future pandemics. Experts have been warning us for some time but the handling of this pandemic wasn’t ideal. The EU alongside national governments should work and cooperate with experts to make sure next time ( since it is likely there is going to be a next time ) we are much better prepared!

Angel Kelekoglou  • 21 February 2021

I believe there needs to be a legislation that forces eu governments to invest ,according to their budget and their needs , on their national health systems. To be more specific , in Greece there has been a borderline insane misuse of federal funds (30 million on corporate press to spread government propaganda, raising the police budget , 30 million on the formation of an unconstitutional police force, 10 billion on military equipment) , funds that could have easily been used to fortify the national health system by hiring more doctors or building the necessary facilities to house severe cases of covid-19. I believe that no government inside the European Union should be allowed to act so irresponsibly towards its citizens and therefore propose the formation of a legal committee that enforces governments to commit the necessary resources on their health and education systems. I find it ridiculous to have so many inconsistencies between European countries and I have come to the conclusion that our humane treatment should be enforced .

Florian S.  • 06 March 2021

Press play on Technology!
Look in the future, maybe 20/30 years, where do you see Europe in terms of global economy and technological progress?
Well, nobody knows for sure but here are my thoughts, you don't have to agree.
When I check the Job Website of Austria on IT Jobs in Vienna, there are currently 4132 Job postings. Even during corona.
Our companies need this employees, we have to train more IT Skilled workers, before they search this people in India or somewhere! We have to teach IT lessons to our kids from beginning and not just some lame Word formatting things! Face the fact, that's future!

How many big European Companies do you know? Six (2014) of the ten companies with the highest sales in Europe come from the gas and oil sector. Didn't we decide to reduce this sector? There are barely companies like Apple, Microsoft, or Huawei. We have to build our own infrastructure regarding to important companies (Tech, medicine, raw materials, ...)

I'm from Austria and i like that fact, but we need each other, I think we are globally way too small to make an impact, the EU can't loose another important member! The EU needs more rights and we need to discuss our problems more on a continental level!

Greetings from Austria :)

Alessandra Tempesta  • 12 March 2021

Buongiorno, dall’Italia liceo Ascanio Landi Velletri - Roma.
Il covid19 ha generato grandi ferite alla società europea e mondiale, sia dal punto di vista sanitario, che economico e psicologico. Considerando la presenza e la maggiore diffusione delle varianti del virus, qual’è il piano strategico che il Parlamento Europeo sta attuando per far fronte a questa situazione, anche alla luce del cambiamento del piano vaccinale e secondo i dati statistici aggiornati?
Potrebbe essere opportuno e funzionale istituire un coordinamento centralizzato per l’approvvigionamento e l’equa distribuzione delle dosi di vaccino anti-covid a livello europeo, piuttosto che delegare ai singoli Stati l’organizzazione?

Liceo Ascanio Landi

Emma Pulicati  • 12 March 2021

The idea is to propose more trips to Europe to bring young people together and to get a first-hand insight into the workings of the European Parliament.

Any thoughts on this idea?

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